Can’t export RRV Screenshots
Question ID: 106257

I am running tests in UFT 12.02 and am trying to export run results to .html or .pdf files and the screenshots for the web pages are not showing up. Have I missed some setting somewhere?

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Posted by (Questions: 386, Answers: 64)
Asked on July 30, 2015 4:00 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

This is listed on the Run Result Viewer guide page 78 on Important Information chart:

''Screen capture images are not exported for steps on Web-based applications. When you export run results containing steps on a Web application, any screen capture images for those steps are not exported to the file. This is because for Web-based applications, the Run Results Viewer displays the .html corresponding to the relevant Web page (with downloaded images) rather than a captured image and thus no image is saved with the report''

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Posted by (Questions: 16, Answers: 807)
Answered on July 30, 2015 4:01 pm
Oh, I did not know that. That kinda sucks.
( at July 30, 2015 4:01 pm)

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