Customized query to extract the defect #'s linked to a failed test cases/runs
Question ID: 106511

Previously we had a User Defined Field called To Linked Defect in our Test Instance. However recently we removed that UDF. We previously used the To Linked Defect field to find defect #'s linked to a failed test cases. In Analysis view, we could Double click on Blocked or Failed to drill down to view the blocked/failed test cases. In other words, we had a column called "TO Linked Defects" in which we used to mention the defect number and associate it to the Test Script. It helped us to filter the Test Scripts based on the defect.
What standard system field can I pull now that will display the defect #? Is there any standard ALM report that shows Defect Linked to Failed Test Run? Or do we have to use the QueryBuilder feature in Analysis View to build a customized query to extract the defect #'s linked to a failed test cases/runs?

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Posted by (Questions: 204, Answers: 2)
Asked on November 7, 2015 3:50 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Here is the solution:
First, you will need to install the Business Views Add-in for ALM 12.20.
Here is a link from Orasi's Customer SupportWeb website of the guide to this Add-in:

After installing the Add-in, you will need to bring up Excel and click the HP ALM tab.
Next, you will want to Login to ALM.
Then, you will click the Add button to create a new worksheet and choose ''Test Instances with Linked Runs''
I have uploaded the way the Worksheet Configuration tabs should look after you modify them accordingly, Fields & Filters. Once you have made the modifications, the Advanced tab will be automatically updated and will show the resulting SQL statement as follows:
![alt text][1]
This should create a report similar to the following:
![alt text][2]
You will then want to save this to ALM and I would suggest saving it as a Public Business View.

[1]: /storage/temp/382-worksheet-configuration-advanced.png
[2]: /storage/temp/383-test-instances-with-linked-runs.png

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 216)
Answered on November 7, 2015 3:59 am

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