.NET Compatibility
Question ID: 106685

We are currently using ALM 11.52 and our company is planning to upgrade all workstations to .NET 4.6.1. According to the documentation we have seen ALM 11.52 has 4.5 listed as a requirement. We were wondering parts of ALM and UFT were using .NET and what the possible effects of moving to a higher version of .NET would be?

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on February 5, 2016 3:13 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

I opened a case with HP on this issue not to long ago and here is what I was told

**Regarding ALM .NET Framework:
ALM uses the .NET framework in its GUI and part of the OTA API. It is a prerequisite to have the 4.0 and 4.5 installed in order for ALM to operate properly.

Regarding UFT .NET Framework:
UFT uses .NET Framework for WPF and .NET add-ins. This is used to interact with record and play actions.

I do not recommend upgrading the framework, because anomalies will start to occur, for example:
UFT will be able to open and works normally with different add-ins like flex, Delphi, Terminal Emulator, Siebel, etc. but it could also present hang ups, crash or non record replay on applications base on the .NET framework even if there is an embedded WPF or .NET Application in the Web. It could fail on an instance.

I would stick to the Product Availability Matrix for the version of UFT you currently have installed on your machine.**

I then asked if I had to use 4.5.0 since the System Requirements site says 4.5.x

HP's response...

**You are indeed correct. In ALM 11.52 it does support 4.0 to 4.5.x. I believe this was a recent update in the document.

All of us Engineers here uses the 4.5 Framework.

You can have multiple frameworks installed on your machine, you can find out by going to:

Run -> %windir%Microsoft.NETFramework

Just to clarify, ALM does support 4.5.x.**

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Posted by (Questions: 113, Answers: 8)
Answered on February 5, 2016 3:22 am
Could you tell me where you found where .NET 4.5.x is supported?
( at February 5, 2016 3:24 am)

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