Customized HTML reports through UFT
Question ID: 108180

Hello colleagues.
I have UFT 14.00 I know that it has an option of generating a HTML report and also there are micreporter.reporthtmlevent commands.

However, after the report is generated, sending it in a easily readable format is not so easy.
If you right click the report’s title bar, you can send it via mail, but it sends the report as a zip file, making it a bit of a hassle for the customer, who has to download the ZIP fie, extract it locally and search the extracted folder for the html report.

Do you guys here, have an infrastructure for this? Something which is custom made so it is easier to handle that UFT’s stock mechanism?


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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Asked on February 17, 2018 4:46 pm

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