All users are receiving “cannot authenticate” errors after long weekend.
Question ID: 109832

We’ve been experiencing issues with ALM all day. This morning users brought up how they couldn’t even reach the ALM landing page/menu in Internet Explorer – receiving the error “page cannot be found.” We suspected that perhaps the password for the ALM service account user expired so I added the new password, restarted the ALM service, and restarted the server. 

Then, we were able to reach the ALM site however NO users are not able to log in. We are receiving “cannot authenticate” errors. We’re admins and can’t even log into the ALM Site Admin page.  What is going on?

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Posted by (Questions: 193, Answers: 14)
Asked on September 10, 2020 10:55 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Yes, that password change may STILL be your issue.

The "authentication error" may be because of your use of LDAP instead of "Quality Center authentication".

If you used the SAME user as your ALM Service to login to the LDAP server (within ALM site admin settings), the password is still set to the previous Service Account user's password and therefore ALM cannot get to the LDAP serer to do password authentication.

At this point, you could either reset the Service account password (in LDAP) back to the password it used BEFORE the change, and would also need to change it on the ALM server -- you would be back up quickly.

If you cannot change the Service account password, you will need to revert your ALM/QC instance to "Quality Center" authentication (temporarily), login as a Site Admin user that you know the QC-auth password for, FIX the LDAP settings, test, then turn LDAP back on.

See this EOT post relating to how to do this:


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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on September 10, 2020 12:09 pm

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