ALM/QC Certificate error with the Cert Hotfix for Patch 8 installed
Question ID: 105931

I have a Windows 2003 server and when I try to install the HP ALM 11 client on it I get the certificate errors that I was getting before installing the hotfix. All the other clients are installing fine it is just this server that the client is not installing on.

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Posted by (Questions: 113, Answers: 8)
Asked on February 9, 2015 9:43 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Here is what I have found; it looks like this issue may have to do with the Root Certificate Updates. If this workstation is not connected to the internet or if Windows Updates are not run on the Server for an extended period of time the servers in this list may be out of date.

For Windows Server 2003 you would use the Windows XP Root Certificate update.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on February 9, 2015 9:50 pm
That did it thanks so much. I could not figure that one out. Now I know to try the Webgate logs for weird install issues.
( at February 9, 2015 9:52 pm)

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