Create a Toolbar button with an ActionName of ''StepRename''. Then input the below workflow in the ActionCanExecute section of your Common Script. You will then be able to highlight a folder in the Test Plan and click the button. The script will look for any steps that do not contain ''Step'' in the name and rename them to add ''Step'' to the begining of the name. If the steps were numbered, an just had the Step prefix omitted, this should correct.
If ActionName = ''StepRename'' Then
Dim TestSubject, OldStepName
TestSubject = TestFolder_Fields.Field(''AL_ITEM_ID'').Value
Set TreeMgr = TDConnection.TreeManager
Set TestNode = TreeMgr.NodeById(CLng(TestSubject))
Set TestFact = TestNode.TestFactory
Set TestFilter = TestFact.Filter
Set TestList = TestFact.NewList(TestFilter.Text)
For Each Test in TestList
Set DesStepFact = Test.DesignStepFactory
Set DesStepFilter = DesStepFact.Filter
DesStepFilter.Filter(''DS_STEP_NAME'') = ''<>Step*''
Set DesStepList = DesStepFact.NewList(DesStepFilter.Text)
If DesStepList.Count > 0 Then
Set TestVCS = Test.VCS
If TestVCS.IsCheckedOut = ''False'' Then
TestVCS.CheckOut ''-1'', '''', False
End If
For Each Step in DesStepList
OldStepName = Step.Field(''DS_STEP_NAME'')
Step.Field(''DS_STEP_NAME'') = ''Step '' & OldStepName
If TestVCS.IsCheckedOut = ''True'' Then
TestVCS.CheckInAndOverrideLastVersion ''''
End If
Set TestVCS = Nothing
End If
Set DesStepList = Nothing
Set DesStepFilter = Nothing
Set DesStepFact = Nothing
Set TestList = Nothing
Set TestFilter = Nothing
Set TestFact = Nothing
Set TestNode = Nothing
Set TreeMgr = Nothing
MsgBox ''Complete''
End If