”Compile Error in Hidden Module: mdlGlobal” for Excel Add-in in QC/ALM?
Question ID: 105106

I am experiencing the following error when trying to install the Excel Add-in: Error: "Compile error in hidden module: mdlGlobal" ?

What is it and how do I correct it?

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Posted by (Questions: 379, Answers: 35)
Asked on August 15, 2013 8:21 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

First, do you have the latest Excel Add-in installed?
Is the add-in showing within the Installed programs of the client OS?
Does the user have admin rights to install the add-in ((Note on the latest ALM 11 and ALM 11.5x add-ins admin capabilities are not needed.)?
Was the ALM Client registration run after the add-in installed?

If all of these things have been done, then you may need to have the MS Office registered in the client. This can be accomplished in the following 2 ways: repair/ reinstallation of MS Office or manually registering the file.

To perform these, follow the following recommendations:

Here are the options/ commands to register the client files:

Repair or reinstall Microsoft Office. By default the mscomctl.ocx file is registered when Microsoft Office is installed.

Manually register the mscomctl.ocx file:

For Windows 7 64bit OS, run the following command in the cmd window with administrator privileges:
Regsvr32 c:windowssyswow64mscomctl.ocx

For Windows 7 32bit OS, run the following command in the cmd window with administrator privileges:
Regsvr32 c:windowssystem32mscomctl.ocx

For Windows XP OS, run the following command in the cmd window with administrator privileges:
Regsvr32 c:winntsystem32mscomctl.ocx

I hope this helps,

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on August 15, 2013 8:27 pm
Thanks for the information. Everything was installed and registered but the MS Office file. Followed your steps and manually registered the MS Office and now things are running as expected. Thanks again for the assistance.
( at August 15, 2013 8:29 pm)

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