Disk space and temp files for LoadRunner
Question ID: 107676

We are using LoadRunner 12.01 with Windows 2008 Server R2 64-bit.
I have a few load generators that seem to be storing test temp files in very strange places. The location is on the C: drive, when it should be on d:\\temp. This is running my load generators out of space on the C drive quickly. The even stranger thing is where they are being put= C:\\users\\serviceaccountname\\appdata\\local\\temp. Any thoughts or input would be great.

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Posted by (Questions: 108, Answers: 6)
Asked on June 12, 2017 1:57 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

On these specific Load Generators, the temp folders did not get set up properly.

Log in with a ''services account name'' and set the environment variables correctly on the Load Generators that are errant. To set the ''temp'' and ''tmp'' environment variables for your ''D:'' drive, please see below:

Set the ''temp'' and ''tmp'' folder location
1. Create a folder at the root of the local drive and name it TEMP.
2. Create a folder at the root of the local drive and name it TMP.
3. ClickStart, right-clickMy Computer, and then clickProperties.
4. In theSystem Propertiesdialog box, click the''Advanced''tab.
5. ClickEnvironment Variables.
6. Repeat the following steps for both the TEMP and the TMP''User variables'':
a. In theUser variableslist, select the TEMP variable, and then clickEdit.
b. In theVariable valuebox, typed:TEMP, and then clickOK.

NoteD:is the local drive where you created the folder in step 1.

c. Repeat steps a. and b. for the TMP variable, if it exists.
7. Repeat the following steps for both the TEMP and the TMP''System variables'':
a. In theSystem variableslist, select the TMP variable, and then clickEdit.
b. In theVariable valuebox, typeD:TMP, and then clickOK.

NoteD: is the local drive where you created the folder in step 1.

8. ClickOKtwo times to close theSystem Propertiesdialog box.

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 266)
Answered on June 12, 2017 2:01 pm

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