Do licenses combine automatically on Autopass for UFT?
Question ID: 107386

We currently have UFT licenses registered in Autopass
We recently bought Mobile Center two 4/8 packs, each that comes with a UFT concurrent license for autopass.
I have activated the UFT licenses obtained with the mobile center purchase but have not added them to our existing autopass licensing server.
My question is are the licenses additive…meaning if I have a 10 user license installed now…will putting the license on for 1 UFT concurrent I received for mobile center give me 11? or will it replace and only give me 1? meaning can I simple add the new on and they add-on or do I need to get a new license for 12 (10 now plus 1 plus 1)

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Posted by (Questions: 424, Answers: 91)
Asked on January 25, 2017 3:07 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Yes, AutoPass licenses are indeed additive, so when you install your extra UFT CC x1 licenses, they will add (rather than superscede) to your existing license count. No need to worry about requesting new license totals from HP (like with the old Sentinel mechanism).

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 771)
Answered on January 25, 2017 3:08 pm
Great, thanks!
( at January 25, 2017 3:09 pm)

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