Does Updating the JAVA for ALM require a restart of the services?
Question ID: 110006


  We are planning to update the JAVA JRE on our ALM 15,5 version and we are wondering do we need to stop ALM services first before installing Java or can we just install JAVA and keep the services running?




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Posted by (Questions: 379, Answers: 35)
Asked on January 27, 2021 3:05 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hi HomerJ,

You'll want to stop the services and restart the server (not just the services) after the changes are made as you will need to update the Environmental Variable on the windows system to point to the correct path location for the Java as the path will change with the newly installed JAVA as the build number is part of the path structure when JAVA installs.  Without this restart of the services the old JAVA will still be cached and the path is being pointed to.  Also if you uninstall the other version then the path can't be found because it is designated in the Environmental Variable and after uninstalling it will no longer exist (even though Java is installed and running).  Change the Environmental Variables here:

We also see some issues with certain versions of JAVA above a certain build number that may have issues.  We have not received guidance on that particular but if it happens there was a fix for ALM 12.60 that required the following:


If Java update is greater than 255, ALM service cannot start. This is issue with log configuration in web.xml under ALM deployment (Default path is ProgramDataMicro FocusALMwebappsqcbinWEB-INF)


1. Locate the web.xml file in deployment path (Default path is ProgramDataMicro FocusALMwebappsqcbinWEB-INF)

2. Change the following log level to OFF
     <!-- BIRT PARAM: Report engine log level. -->

3. Save the change and restart ALM service.

You may not have such an issue but Microfocus doesn't test with the various and newer builds so we don't always know which may cause issues and which may not (for this reason it is not recommended to just upgrade to have the newest and latest without certain needs and requirements for it).

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on January 27, 2021 3:09 pm

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