‘Error ”Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key”’ in ALM 11.52 patch 6.
Question ID: 106210

We are having an issue where the following error is occurring:

‘Error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key"’ in our ALM 11.52 patch 6 environment. This didn’t exist for us prior to this. Do you have any information regarding what could cause this issue?


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Posted by (Questions: 379, Answers: 35)
Asked on July 23, 2015 2:19 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

HI HomerJ,

What I know about this issue is that it is a recognized issue from HP R&D and the following exists regarding this from HP:

''Our product team will make every attempt to include this request in a patch or a future release of the product. While we are currently planning to make the requested change to the product we do not have an estimated time for release. Please understand that software development is a very dynamic activity and product features often change throughout the development lifecycle. When the status of this request changes, you will be notified.
For details regarding the solution please visit our support website.* The latest information on this issue is posted at: https://softwaresupport.hp.com/group/softwaresupport/search-result/-/facetsearch/document/LID/QCCR1J81241

If you would like to access additional support information about HP Software products, please visit HP Software Support Online at https://softwaresupport.hp.com

If you wish to unsubscribe to this document and no longer receive future email updates, please visit http://support.openview.hp.com/enotification/manage and delete the relevant subscription.''

It is a known issue that has arisen since the installation of patch 6 only. It is verified not to exists in prior patches, so the recommendation at this point would be to uninstall this patch and go batch to a previous patch (patch 5 or lower) to not have the error occur.


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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on July 23, 2015 2:24 pm
Thanks for the response. I guess we will roll back to a previous patch level.
( at July 23, 2015 2:24 pm)

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