Full solution:
'This script uses an excel sheet to get a list of local object repositories and then updates them based on the object class and property
'To run the script click the widnows button and type cmd in the search. In the command prompt paste the following:WScript.exe /E:VBSCRIPT [name of sript].vbs
'Turn on error handling
On Error Resume Next
Dim RepositoryFrom, ToCollection, ToCollectionP, TestObject, cn, OrArrPath(), OrPath, xlApp, xlWorkBook, xlWorkSheet, ExlRwCnt, ArrSize, ArrSet
'create a new instance of the excel application
Set xlApp = CreateObject (''Excel.Application'')
'make it visible
xlApp.Visible = True
'open the excel file to feed the report paths ie (''C:excelfilename.xls'')
'The values in the excel file should be the full path without any parenthesis
'ie c:[Report Path]Action1ObjectRepository.bdb
Set xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open (''C:excelfilename.xls'')
'set the worksheet
Set xlWorkSheet = xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.WorkSheets(''Sheet1'')
'Use Evaluate function to determine how many rows have a non- blank values
ExlRwCnt = xlWorkSheet.Evaluate(''COUNTA(A:A)'')
'Get the count in the excel worksheet and subtract one to set the array
ArrSize = ExlRwCnt -1
'Set the size of the array
ReDim OrArrPath(ArrSize)
'Set the array counter in order to begin setting each point in the array
ArrSet = 0
'Cycle through each path and update each object in that path
For z = 1 to ExlRwCnt
'Get excel sheet value
Set OrArrPath(ArrSet) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(z,1)
'add a value to the arrsize variable to set the next position
ArrSet =ArrSet +1
'Reset the array counter to update each object
ArrSet = ArrSet -1
'Update all of the object repositories
For x = 0 To ArrSet
'Set the ObjectRepositoryUtil
Set RepositoryFrom = CreateObject(''Mercury.ObjectRepositoryUtil'')
'Grab the first object repository path from the array. Note this probably could be assigned directly from the array.
OrPath = OrArrPath(x)
'Load the path to the ObjectRepositoryUtil
RepositoryFrom.Load OrPath
'If there is an error catch it display it in a message box and exit the script
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo ''Error: '' & Err.Number
WScript.Echo ''Error (Hex): '' & Hex(Err.Number)
WScript.Echo ''Source: '' & Err.Source
WScript.Echo ''Description: '' & Err.Description
Exit For
End If
'Grab all of the objects with a class ie ''Window''
Set ToCollection = RepositoryFrom.GetAllObjectsByClass(''Window'')
'For each attribute in the collection of objects
For i = 0 To ToCollection.Count - 1
'Grab the object
Set TestObject = ToCollection.Item(i)
'Get the value of this object attribute
cn = TestObject.GetTOProperty(''regexpwndclass'')
'If the value matches then set it to the new attribute
If cn = ''FNWND3120'' Then
TestObject.SetTOProperty ''regexpwndclass'',''FNWND3125''
End If
'save the object in the object repository
RepositoryFrom.UpdateObject TestObject
'save the Object Repository
'save object Repository
'Clear the variables/destroy them
Set RepositoryFrom =nothing
Set ToCollection = nothing
Set ToCollectionP=nothing
Set TestObject = nothing
Set cn =nothing
Set OrPath = nothing
Set ExlRwCnt = nothing
Set ArrSize = nothing
Set ArrSet = nothing
'Close the workbook and terminate our instance of excel
'Clear excel variables/destroy them
Set xlWorkSheet = Nothing
Set xlWorkBook = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
'Notify the user the script is finished
msgbox(''Update Finished'')