'This script uses an excel sheet to get a list of local object repositories and then updates them based on the object class and property
'To create the script copy and paste this into notepad and save as a .vbs file
'To run the script click the widnows button and type cmd in the search. In the command prompt paste the following:WScript.exe /E:VBSCRIPT [name of sript].vbs and hit enter
'Turn on error handling
On Error Resume Next
Dim RepositoryFrom, ToCollection, ToCollectionP, TestObject, cn, OrArrPath(), OrPath, xlApp, xlWorkBook, xlWorkSheet, ExlRwCnt, ArrSize, ArrSet
'create a new instance of the excel application
Set xlApp = CreateObject (''Excel.Application'')
'make it visible
xlApp.Visible = True
'open the excel file to feed the report paths ie (''C:excelfilename.xls'')
'The values in the excel file should be the full path without any parenthesis
'ie c:[Report Path]Action1ObjectRepository.bdb
Set xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open (''C:excelfilename.xls'')
'set the worksheet
Set xlWorkSheet = xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.WorkSheets(''Sheet1'')
'Use Evaluate function to determine how many rows have a non- blank values
ExlRwCnt = xlWorkSheet.Evaluate(''COUNTA(A:A)'')
'Get the count in the excel worksheet and subtract one to set the array
ArrSize = ExlRwCnt -1
'Set the size of the array
ReDim OrArrPath(ArrSize)
'Set the array counter in order to begin setting each point in the array
ArrSet = 0
'Cycle through each path and update each object in that path
For z = 1 to ExlRwCnt
'Get excel sheet value
Set OrArrPath(ArrSet) = xlWorkSheet.Cells(z,1)
'add a value to the arrsize variable to set the next position
ArrSet =ArrSet +1
'Reset the array counter to update each object
ArrSet = ArrSet -1
'Update all of the object repositories
For x = 0 To ArrSet
'Set the ObjectRepositoryUtil
Set RepositoryFrom = CreateObject(''Mercury.ObjectRepositoryUtil'')
'Grab the first object repository path from the array. Note this probably could be assigned directly from the array.
OrPath = OrArrPath(x)
'Load the path to the ObjectRepositoryUtil
RepositoryFrom.Load OrPath
'If there is an error catch it display it in a message box and exit the script
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo ''Error: '' & Err.Number
WScript.Echo ''Error (Hex): '' & Hex(Err.Number)
WScript.Echo ''Source: '' & Err.Source
WScript.Echo ''Description: '' & Err.Description
Exit For
End If
'Grab all of the objects with a class ie ''Window''
Set ToCollection = RepositoryFrom.GetAllObjectsByClass(''Window'')
'For each attribute in the collection of objects
For i = 0 To ToCollection.Count - 1
'Grab the object
Set TestObject = ToCollection.Item(i)
'Get the value of this object attribute
cn = TestObject.GetTOProperty(''regexpwndclass'')
'If the value matches then set it to the new attribute
If cn = ''FNWND3120'' Then
TestObject.SetTOProperty ''regexpwndclass'',''FNWND3125''
End If
'save the object in the object repository
RepositoryFrom.UpdateObject TestObject
'save the Object Repository
'save object Repository
'Clear the variables/destroy them
Set RepositoryFrom =nothing
Set ToCollection = nothing
Set ToCollectionP=nothing
Set TestObject = nothing
Set cn =nothing
Set OrPath = nothing
Set ExlRwCnt = nothing
Set ArrSize = nothing
Set ArrSet = nothing
'Close the workbook and terminate our instance of excel
'Clear excel variables/destroy them
Set xlWorkSheet = Nothing
Set xlWorkBook = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
'Notify the user the script is finished
msgbox(''Update Finished'')