How to in excel export special characters within a test to Quality Center ?
Question ID: 105212

I noticed that a number of special characters within my excel sheet will not be exported to Quality Center when I try to add my new tests. I understand there are some html limitations but is there any workaround for this?

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Posted by (Questions: 104, Answers: 0)
Asked on January 24, 2014 4:03 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Yes there is a workaround for exporting special characters to Quality Center.

Below is for Excel 11.0 and Excel 11.5 and up.

Listed builds that show this workaround include for QC11.0 Build and for QC11.50 and later as Build

* Exporting Special Characters: Plain text is now correctly exported wrapped by HTML tags and special characters are properly encoded. Special HTML formatting, such as bold text, is not exported properly.

To use and export HTML formatting:

a. Open the ExcelAddin.ini file. The file is located under %appdata%MicrosoftExcelXLSTARTTDAddin.

b. Under the [Parameters] section of the file, add the following line:

c. Write all text in the Excel file in valid HTML format.

For example, to export the following text:

this is the description <a> + <b>

You must write:

this is the description <a> + <b>

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on January 24, 2014 4:05 pm
That worked. Awesome.
( at January 30, 2014 10:43 pm)

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