How to use UFT(qtp) scripts in performance center
Question ID: 106524

Can someone please answer this?
I have to integrate UFT Functional scripts (12.02) with HP ALM Performance Center 12.20.
Using Performance Center I have to do a load test using UFT scripts and I have to capture response times for the transactions mentioned in UFT scripts?
Will UFT scripts will work when we execute them in Performance Center?

Thank you..

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on November 23, 2015 4:52 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

You can run UFT 12.02 scripts in Performance Center 12.20 as part of a test if you Have:

1. a ''GUI Vusers'' license for each Vuser
2. a UFT license for each Vuser
3. a standalone LG with UFT 12.02 installed

HP Functional Testing software (QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing) enables you to create complex tests that examine the full spectrum of your application's functionality.

LoadRunner can integrate QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing tests into a load testing scenario in the form of GUI Vuser scripts. These tests, that have already been designed and debugged in QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing can be used as the basis of your load test.

The main uses of running QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing tests in LoadRunner are:

*To check how your application's functionality is affected by heavy load

*To measure the response time that a typical user experiences on the client side while your application is under load (end-to-end response time)

For example, you can add QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing tests to specific points in a LoadRunner scenario to confirm that the application's functionality is not affected by the extra load at those sensitive points.

Another advantage of using a GUI Vuser script as part of your LoadRunner scenario is that the GUI Vuser script runs on your screen during the scenario, enabling you to watch the actual steps executed by the Vuser in real time.

**Guidelines for Using QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing Tests in LoadRunner**

When creating test scripts in QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing that are going to be used as GUI Vuser scripts in a LoadRunner testing scenario, you need to follow certain guidelines to ensure smooth integration of the script. For detailed explanations about creating tests in QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing, see the QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing documentation.


QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing offers several features that are designed specifically for integration with LoadRunner. Some QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing features, however, may not be available when they are integrated with LoadRunner. For more information about specific limitations, see the QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing readme.

**Including Transactions**

To measure the performance of the server, you define transactions. A transaction represents an action or a set of actions that you are interested in measuring. You define transactions within your Vuser script by enclosing the appropriate sections of the script with start and end transaction statements.

For example, you can define a transaction that measures the time it takes for the server to process a request to view the balance of an account and for the information to be displayed at the ATM.

Note: LoadRunner only provides performance information for data that is included within a transaction. Therefore, your QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing test must include transactions to be used by LoadRunner.

For more information about using transactions in QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing, see the QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing documentation.

**Adding Statements**

You can use the Services object and its associated methods to insert statements that are specifically relevant to performance testing. These include Abort, GetEnvironmentAttribute, LogMessage, SetTransactionStatus, ThinkTime, UserDataPoint, StartTransaction and EndTransaction. For more information on these methods, see the QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing documentation.

**Designing Tests for LoadRunner & Performance center**

Consider the following design guidelines when designing tests for use with LoadRunner:

*The QuickTest or Unified Functional Testing tests you use with LoadRunner should be simple tests, designed to pinpoint specific operations.

***LoadRunner cannot run nested action iterations.**

***Do not include re

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on November 23, 2015 5:16 pm
Hi David, I have created a normal UFT script without external references. But uploading directly it in Performance Center doesnt work . It is throwing error that the script is not a vugen script . Can you please let me know if the UFT script can be converted to vugen script . What should be the ideal file extension of UFT script which can be converted to vugen script .? What are the vugen settings to accept the UFT script ? Attaching the error screenshot . Looking forward for the reply . Thanks in Advance ! Regards, Manas [1]: /storage/temp/408-unable-to-upload-the-scripts.jpg
( at February 17, 2016 6:53 am)
Private answer


Please look closely at the bulk ''upload script(s)'' dialog box. There is at warming stating

***'' Only zipped VuGen scripts can be uploaded. Uploading QTP or ST tests will result in failure''***

This means you can only upload **VuGen** scripts using this method. Use the UFT program to upload your UFT (QTP) scripts.


- Connect to **ALM** ( UFT menu bar --> ALM... )
- Save your sscript to the **ALM folder** ( File --> Save As..--> select the ALM folder ...)

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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on February 17, 2016 1:48 pm

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