HRESULT ox800417D4 error on Business Views Report
Question ID: 108189

As an admin I’m able to create and view a Business View Report that is cross project. When a user goes to view that same report they are receiving an HResult error. They have access in all projects in the report. I also had another admin try to view or create the report and they receive the same error.

Here is the error:
Mercury.TD.Client.Library.DetailedException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800417D4 —> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800417D4
at Mercury.TD.Client.Ota.QC9.IBusinessViewsExcelReportManager2.ExecuteConfigurationOnRemoteProject(String configurationXML, String worksheetID, Int32 maxRowsCountToFetch, String ProjectId, String& resultAdditionalData)
at Mercury.TD.Client.Ota.Entities.Core.Analysis.BVExcelReport.Builder.BVExcelReportBuilder.ExecuteReoprtForSelectedProjects(Boolean stringIsDQL, String dqlOrXml, Int32 maxRowCount, String worksheetId, IDictionary`2& reportDarasetMetaData, String[]& resultFilePaths, String[] selectedCrossProjects)
at Mercury.TD.Client.Ota.Entities.Core.Analysis.BVExcelReport.Builder.BVExcelReportBuilder.RunSync(String dqlOrXml, Boolean stringIsDQL, String worksheetId, Int32 maxRowCount, IDictionary`2& datasetMetaData, String[]& resultFilePaths, Boolean notifyError, String[] selectedCrossProjects)
at Mercury.TD.Client.Ota.Entities.Core.Analysis.BVExcelReport.Builder.BVExcelReportBuilder.RunConfiguration(String xml, String worksheetId, Int32 maxRowCount, IDictionary`2& datasetMetaData, String[]& resultFiles, Boolean notifyError, String[] projectsPuids)
at HP.ALM.Analysis.ExcelAddin.Core.AddinCore.GenerateDatasetFromConfiguration(String configurationXml, String worksheetId, Int32 rowLimit, IDictionary`2& metaDataXml, String[]& datasetFilePaths, String title)
— End of inner exception stack trace —

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Posted by (Questions: 204, Answers: 2)
Asked on February 28, 2018 3:26 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer


Because you are going across projects, all users involved with those projects must have installed the Business View Excel Add-in with Admin privileges. Once this done, the error will no longer occur.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 216)
Answered on February 28, 2018 3:30 pm

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