The method LoadRunner uses for VUD expiration changed in 11.0x. For LR 11.04 and older versions, the expiration time was set when the license was generated.
In LoadRunner 11.5x and 12.0x , the expiration time is set by a field on the LR License Utility. In the bottom of the screen that says ''VUDs will begin at:'' and the start/expiration time is a link. IF NO VUDs ARE ACTIVE, you can click on that link and change the start/expiration time. If any VUDs are active, the time is locked until the active VUD expire: the link is still there but attempts to change the time are refused. This time will be applied to any VUDs that are started. The default setting is 6AM. When using VUDs, please set to an appropriate time for your test.
[1]: /storage/temp/193-starttime.png