There are at least two ways to do this
The Easy way:
1. Left click and Drag the mouse over all the Step you want to have in the For Loop ( so all steps are highlight in yellow )
2. Right Click on any blank yellow area and Select '' Surround with FOR loop'' the loop step ''box'' will appear and surround the steps
3. Click on the '' i < 1 '' to change the ''1'' to the number of time to loop need to run
4. Done
The harder way:
1. Select the first step in the loop (highlight yellow)
2. Surround with a Loop
3. Cut the next step from the script
4. Highlight the step IN the loop
5. The Paste the ''Cut'' step in the loop ''after'' the current step
6. Repeat 3 to 5 until all wanted steps are in the loop****Be careful to keep you step in order
7. Change the '' i < 1'' to number need for the loop
8. Done