LoadRunner Tests for Citrix Environments
Question ID: 107719

We are currently using LoadRunner 12.53 patch 4.

We need to develop the LR tests for Citrix environments. As part of POC, we have desktop application for this Citrix environments. We need help on how to make the Citrix environments for desktop application and what are the prerequisites. Any input would be great.

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Posted by (Questions: 159, Answers: 15)
Asked on July 18, 2017 2:12 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The LoadRunner 12.53 Citrix protocol supports the following:

* Supported Versions: 12.x, 13.x, and 14.x

* Supported Servers:
§ Citrix XenApp 5.5, 5.6, 6.0, 6.5. 7.0,7.5
§ Citrix XenDesktop 7.0
§ Citrix XenDesktop 7.5
§ Citrix XenDesktop 7.6
§ Citrix Access Gateway (with Receiver 13.x and above)

HPE States: ''Citrix Agent supports XenApp and XenDesktop servers and recommends version 14.3 for the Citrix Receiver''.

Please review the Citrix Protocol; which, includes ''How to Set Up Your Citrix Environment and the Citrix Recording Options from the LoadRunner Help guide. The ''Citrix Protocol'' information starts on page 470 and the ''Citrix Recording Options'' starts on page 171 of the help guide.

Please review all of the steps and information on how to set up your Citrix environment. You will need to comply with all the instructions to guarantee success. The link is posted below for reference:


Also, I recommend installing the LoadRunner Citrix Server Agent on the Citrix server even though it is listed as an optional step in the above instructions.

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 266)
Answered on July 18, 2017 2:14 pm

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