Need to run SQL queries on Sybase database
Question ID: 108361
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Posted by (Questions: 29, Answers: 0)
Asked on April 30, 2018 4:10 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Sybase database protocol has been discontinued from LoadRunner version 11.52. Your best chances of success are using one of the following protocols:

2. Oracle 2-Tier
3. C Vuser
4. .Net
5. Oracle-Web
The ODBC protocol is most likely the best protocol to use. You will need to install the 32 bit Oracle client on your Local machine and All of the Load Generators for this protocol. Before trying to record with the ODBC protocol, please note:

From the LR 12.53 product availability matrix:
* Protocol: ODBC
* Program: ODBC
* Supported Versions: ODBC Driver Mgr 6.1 -10.0
* Supported Servers: N/A
* Native 64bit Client Recording: NO (use the 32 bit client and driver)
* IPv6 Support: NO
* HP NV 12.53 Support: Yes
* IP Spoofing Support: NO
* Speed Emulation Support: Yes
* Load Generator OS: Any supported OS
* Multiprotocol: YES

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 30)
Answered on April 30, 2018 4:21 pm

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