Our ALM11 server is in a ”Muted state” — HELP
Question ID: 104497

Our ALM11 server is in a "Muted state" with an error message on the HTML page bout an invalid instance for SQL-Server.
We did a PING to the DB server (SQL-Server) and used ODBC to confirm the tdadmin account could get to the qcsiteadmin_db in the correct instance (SQL-Server/Instance) from the QC server.

The deployed siteadmin.xml (attached to case) looks correct with server name and instance as well as port.

We cycled the HP ALM service many times and did a server re-boot with no difference.

What should we try now?

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Posted by (Questions: 91, Answers: 5)
Asked on April 10, 2012 10:42 am
Answers (1)
Private answer


Try re-deploying your application on your ALM server (Start Menu / HP ALM Platform / Server Deployment Wizard).
If the wizard complains about not being able to stop the service, look in the control panel/services to see if it happens to be stopped already and start it manually, then retry with the wizard.
It also may take a manual cycle of the service a few times and even a reboot.

If it works, you should see the normal ALM Platform screen when visiting the http://:port>/qcbin site.

good luck!


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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on April 10, 2012 10:57 am
That Worked! Thanks so much!
( at April 10, 2012 11:36 am)

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