Please help to develop the process to access ALM via Rest API and know defects status
Question ID: 107345

Hi Professionals,
Is there a way that I would be able to access QC via a REST API that would allow my team access to real time reports of QC CR tickets and statuses possibly in the form of a JSON or XML file?

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Posted by (Questions: 30, Answers: 35)
Asked on January 17, 2017 9:36 pm
Answers (4)
Private answer

I don't know what you exactly need, but there a are a number of methods.

A common one is to use Excel to use rest api to connect to your ALM url and pull your defect data.

You can find details on how to use Excel with URL here: [Excel guide][1]

An example url for ALM would one like this (I added b in front so not an active link while posting here): bhttp://myalmserver:8080/qcbin/rest/domains/default/projects/MYProject/defects?login-form-required=y

Use that to connect and pull your data. Adjust if you want to pull for specific defects.

Can use the Excel data dump to convert to JSON using a converter tool found online such as the one here: [Converter][2]

This is just one of many conversion tools out there via web page.

This particular one takes csv or tab delimited (which is excel should have formatted the ALM data to) and outputs JSON formatted. Number of options on the JSON as to how you want the formatting presented via that dropdown window ''Output as....''.


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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on January 18, 2017 6:14 pm
Private answer

Suggest you check out the reference guide which can be found online at this link: [REST Reference][1]


Once the page loads, on the left tree, expand the ''How to Do Common Tasks''.

Under that, read the ''Authenticate'' section to learn how to connect and sign in to ALM, and then the ''Read an Entity'' section to learn how to poll for certain data. This section includes an example for reading Defect information.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on January 18, 2017 12:47 pm
Private answer

1st of all thanks much for the information.

I will myself I do not know REST API so could you pls help me? I checked the information you pointed too but im still struggling to move forward.

Again, I want to know what would be the script to access/loginto ALM and how do you do the login process?
And what would be the script to know the status of defects in JAson or xml file and how do you do that process?

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Posted by (Questions: 30, Answers: 35)
Answered on January 18, 2017 5:43 pm
Private answer

Wow - lot of information. Thanks again for your time and effort.

Could you kindly assist me in below scenarios:
1) Now how can I only be able to pull the Status of defect in Closed status. Is this done by any url or just need to seup the filter in excel?
2) what is the url to know the ststus of existing defects?
3) I was able to import defects with detail information, but some how the formt of excel seems to be odd. Meaning I was Filed name in columns and value in Rows but it was just the other way.

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Posted by (Questions: 30, Answers: 35)
Answered on January 18, 2017 7:39 pm
XML gives you a better formatting. I agree the excel dump is not the best by default, it requires a lot more work to try and make it formatted better. I was just showing a base example. You can via browser just use the URLs above to get a pure xml dump within your browser window. How you filter that is up to you and whatever method you choose. Use the reference guide for more details on how to add to the URL to pin down other details and specify down your xml returned results Search excel macro rest api examples to see about doing your own custom macro. There are examples online.
( at January 18, 2017 8:17 pm)

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