Project List Item Length and Project List Names Limited to 255 Characters
Question ID: 110145

When I add a new item to a pre-existing list, it will not allow me to go beyond 255 characters. It displays a warning saying the maximum number of characters is 255 and that the system cannot save additional characters. I thought this limit was changed to 2000 characters under 12.6 SP1. Even after adjusting the Project Entity that references the list, I still get the limitation. The same thing occurs when I try to add a new project list, it limits the name of the list to 255 characters. I thought this had also been changed with 12.6 SP1 to allow list names up to 2000 characters. Is there a fix for these issues? Do I need to do something to enable the longer list values and list names?

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Posted by (Questions: 113, Answers: 8)
Asked on April 30, 2021 3:21 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

For ALM version 12.60 patch 1 the following was listed

Increased length of user defined fields

String. The maximum field length is now 2000 characters instead of 255 characters.

Lookup List. The maximum field length is now 2000 characters instead of 255 characters.

What this refers to is the length of the field displayed (ex. In the defects module). New entities are created/stored in the SYSTEM_FIELD table and that length is what is adjustable on strings and lookup lists to 2000 characters. For strings, the reason is obvious, and I would imagine that for lookup lists it is adjustable for situations where you can select multiple values from the list.

When you create a new list or add a list item both are created in the LISTS table in the project. Both values are also stored in the LS_NAME field of that table and that field has a length of 255 characters

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on April 30, 2021 3:23 pm

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