Site admin throws OLE Error 800400D0 during attempted project creation
Question ID: 107677

We are getting an error when attempting to create a new project. The first attempt was a try to create from an existing project. That failed with an OLE Error 800400D0.

Hit okay and you can't do anything else in site admin, as that same OLE just keeps popping up. Have to logout and try again. Same for creating a new blank project, get the OLE error again.

We have checked the SQL DB, the site admin database is up, it is able to be logged into, accessed and queried. We attempted to stop the service, but then the ALM service tray icon would not ever start. Given that we tried the deployment wizard again, but it fails with a message stating "cannot access SA Schema". Need help fast then as we are stuck. Even configuration wizard has issue with SA Schema access.

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Posted by (Questions: 56, Answers: 1)
Asked on June 13, 2017 1:13 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer


Given you can login just fine to the SQL server okay, and can prove its up, and that your site admin database can be queried okay, would suggest checking out the server roles for your SA user.

The server roles security permissions need to be just as HPE clarifies for in the install guides.

Expand Security and then Logins, and find your SA user listed. Right click and select properties for it, and then select Server Roles page from top left.

SA user required public and sysadmin. ONLY THOSE TWO. Do not have other permissions check boxed as even extra permissions can stop the SA user role from performing properly.

![alt text][1]

Ensure that only those 2 attributes for security privileges are set and no others.

Also, just to be cautious while looking, check your TD user and make sure it only has the public selected. That is the only role required, you do not want an extra roles selected.

[1]: /storage/temp/619-server-role.png

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on June 13, 2017 1:19 pm
That was it! We had extra roles for SA. Believe these were changed couple of weeks ago when DBA was doing some clean up on the shared DB server. Guess they were not taken away at completion. After removing, ran config wiz just to be safe, the ALM service started (including tray icon) super fast. After up, logged into site admin and could create a project without issue. Big live saver right there.
( at June 13, 2017 1:30 pm)

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