SiteAdmin DB Servers tab it lists sa_db_host as the name, can I change it?
Question ID: 106570

We just installed ALM 12.21 on Win 2012 R2 server. When I go into SiteAdmin and look at DB Servers tab it lists "sa_db_host" as the name of my new db server. I prefer it show the name of the actual server the DB Server is using. When we went through the installation process, we just specified the DB Connection String and did not give a DB Server name.

Can I change the DB server name?

Where did that name "sa_db_host" come from?

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Posted by (Questions: 193, Answers: 14)
Asked on January 5, 2016 5:55 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

When using the connection string option, it has no ''DB Name'' to pull from (usually the Server name of the DB-server hosting the ''SA'' database/schema). So the name ''sa_db_host'' is a default from HP for this situation.

You can add a ''New'' DB Server to the list of servers and use the SAME connection string and give it the desired ''db server'' name.

You may need to do REMOVE/ edit DBID/ RESTORE on your projects to get them to use the correct ''db server name'' if not already using the one you are adding.

QC/ALM Version 11.50 and later also has a NEW project (likely hidden on your server) called LAB_Project.
If you look in the PROJECTS table in the ''SA'' schema (qcsiteadmin_db), you will see if any projects are using the ''sa_db_host'' db server name and have the DBA change them to the ''correct one''. You DO need to change the one for LAB_PROJECT at least.

Normal projects can get the server name changed by the REMOVE/edit DBID/RESTORE process.

Once ALL projects (including LAB_PROJECT) are pointing to the NEW dbserver, you can delete the old one ''sa_db_host'' from your DB Servers list and it will allow the deletion -- Site Admin will not allow you to delete it if ANY projects are using it.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on January 5, 2016 5:58 pm

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