Solution Manager – HP QC integration
Question ID: 104343

Hi, is it possible to integrate multiple instances of Sol Man with a centralized QC with multiple domains. How is this done. I am familiar with the basic integration between Sol Man – QC

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Asked on March 15, 2011 12:23 pm
Answers (2)
Private answer

Each SolMan project maps to dedicated HP QC projects through Enterprise Integrator. You may be looking for a ''one click'' solution that doesn't exist, and although seemingly efficient, can't produce meaningful reports. You 'push' the TCodes from the Business Blueprint in SolMan as requirements in HP QC/ALM. If you have BPT installed, then the TCodes are objects or components ready to be scripted in SAP TAO and executed by HP QTP.

All of this is a ready made solution following ASAP Methodology, but there are lot of critical dependencies for SolMan and HP QC to work together.
1) Business Blueprint is entirely mapped out in SolMan project.
2) TCodes populate the proper column in the right module in order for the TCodes to appear as Requirements and Components in HPQC.
3) Enterprise Integrator license is purchased and enabled by the BASIS team on the client side and selected for the proper environments and projects.
4) BPT is an enabled module in HPQC or ALM.
5) With BPT enabled in HPQC or ALM, then SAP TAO is also enabled by the BASIS team on the client side.
6) Processes are in place to test to the requirements that originally come from SolMan and associate those defects back to its most impacted requirements to update the TCodes in SolMan of its impact/defect history.

Miss any one of these steps and there is no effective SolMan-HPQC integration.

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Answered on August 23, 2013 6:28 pm
Private answer

Hi Chandrashekar,
You need to check that the services as mentioned in the integration guide are activated in SICF.
We have done this integration and see that status of the defect if changed in QC is not reflecting in SOlman

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 1)
Answered on October 13, 2015 9:12 am

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