sonarqube fxcop error
Question ID: 106592

Firstly we are using default environment of sonarqube in VLI (windows server 2008 R2 standard) and sonarqube 5.0 version as well as sonar runner 2.4 version, For .net and SharePoint sonar MS builder 1.02 is been implemented in path, with this we used style cop 4.4 in environmental variable JDK 1.8. and .net framework 4.5.2 and we are using 64-bit operating system.

we are using H2 embedded database.We could analyse any java code,.net or sharepoint but if we activate any fxcop or stylecop rules

Error-The property "sonar.cs.fxcop.assembly" must have set and project must have built to execute fxcop rules.

I tried by changing the plugin c#4.3 from C#3.3 no use

I have used fxcop 10.0 and installed the path in sonar no use

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 0)
Asked on January 13, 2016 3:46 pm

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