UFT 12.51 Cannot set output parameters on keywords with no input parameters
Question ID: 106663

I’m working with BPT keyword tests using custom defined keywords stored in a vbScript library, accessible through an Application Area. Some of the keywords are intended to be used as Operations asking for no input parameters, and I need to store their output into a component parameter.

However, it seems that I can’t set output parameters on custom keywords that take no input parameters. UFT prompts me to choose a component or local parameter, but once it’s selected, the Output column clears itself. This happens every time, even after restarting UFT or deleting and re-adding the keywords.

I’ve found a workaround that involves temporarily adding an input parameter in the function definition, setting the output parameter I want, and removing the input parameter from the function library; as long as there is at least one input parameter for a keyword, the output parameter can be set normally. Once the output parameter is set, it stays that way after the keyword definition is reverted to having no input parameters. I believe this is a bug in UFT, and it’s still very inconvenient to add these keywords and map output parameters.

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Posted by (Questions: 424, Answers: 91)
Asked on January 29, 2016 2:31 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

This is a known bug that will be fixed in a future release. For now, contact your HP support representative and ask for their quick-fix of files to replace in your current UFT/bin folder.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 771)
Answered on January 29, 2016 2:31 pm
I contacted support, got the quick-fix files, and they work! Thanks again.
( at January 29, 2016 2:32 pm)

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