UFT general run error with print statements
Question ID: 108659

We recently upgraded both ALM from 11.0 to 12.55, and QTP 11.0 to UFT 14.2.3792.0. Now when we run some of our automation tests, we are getting a failure for that test whenever the print function is called. Because it is a print value, the test does run, but in ALM the results show as "failures". In one of our tests, when it tries to perform a "print waitTime" or "print parameter", or anything with a print in front of it, we get a 'Failed' status. This issue is currently only affecting one user.

Example of the error that displays:

Run Error:
General run error.
Function file: [ALM\\Resources] Resources\\Subject\\SCP Automation – QA Version\\Function Library\\TestFuntionLibrary.qfl
Line (230): "print waitTime".

Run Error:
General run error.
Function file: [ALM\\Resources] Resources\\Subject\\SCP Automation – QA Version\\Function Library\\TestFuntionLibrary.qfl
Line (238): "print parameter".

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Posted by (Questions: 239, Answers: 31)
Asked on October 19, 2018 2:20 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

I researched this issue, and haven't found anything regarding print statement issues with UFT. I have tested the print statement in several different versions of UFT in my test environment, and they all run and pass without any issues. Since this issue is only occurring on one machine, I would like for you to repair the UFT on the affected machine. (Location - Control Panel > Select 'HPE Unified Functional Testing' in the list of programs installed, and select 'Repair' in the toolbar.) Once the repair process is complete, retest to see if the issue still occurs.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 300)
Answered on October 19, 2018 2:21 pm
Good news. Now that I have repaired the UFT on the affected machine, I can run the script now without any errors. Thank you for you help on this!
( at October 19, 2018 2:21 pm)

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