UI Automation vs UIA Pro Add-in for UFT?
Question ID: 110262

Our team uses the UI Automation Add-in for some of our Windows-based AUTs, but noticed UFT 2021 has a new “UIA Pro” Add-in. What’s the difference?

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Posted by (Questions: 424, Answers: 91)
Asked on October 31, 2021 5:37 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

UI Automation Pro (UIA Pro) is an enhanced version of the existing UI Automation Support. Like UI Automation Support, it enables users to test Windows-based application that has implemented UI Automation provider interfaces.

In addition, it makes test creation and maintenance easier, improves test performance, and provides support for more objects, methods, and patterns.

To use the UIA Pro Add-in, make sure it's selected via the Add-in Manager when UFT opens, open a GUI Test, then open your Windows-based AUT and select "UIA Pro" when using Object Spy.

The Object Spy and Object Identification Center provide a separate mode for UIA Pro object identification. Use this mode to identify objects based on their UI Automation properties and create UIA Pro test objects, so you can either:

In the Object Spy, click the pointing hand drop-down arrow, select UIA Pro, and click the button to spy on an object in UIA Pro mode. In the UIA Pro mode, you can view object properties, add the spied object to your local repository, or drag it into your test to create a step.


In the Object Identification Center, select the UIA Pro icon to spy on objects in UIA Pro mode.

In the UIA Pro mode, you can view object properties, add the spied object to your local or shared repository, or drag it into your test to create a step.

Please note recording UIA Pro steps is not supported at this time.

(reference, if needed: https://admhelp.microfocus.com/uft/en/2021/UFT_Help/Content/User_Guide/UIA_Pro_How2.htm)


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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 771)
Answered on October 31, 2021 5:38 pm
Thanks for the clear explanation!
( at October 31, 2021 5:39 pm)

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