User Group permissions give error but are checked
Question ID: 105775

We recently upgraded to ALM 12.01. Things were fine, but when we added some BPT licenses, we had to go and restrict a few of our user groups. Upon changes, we started noticing varying permissions issues for group members. Some were for updates, others were for create and deletes. Odd as when examining, all these permissions are in fact checked and have been going back multiple versions of ALM and QC.

I went back and reset everything to how it was but the issue persists. We edited some settings in 2 groups, had reported issues, and then changed them back as they were. Did not change outcome though as the users report same issues. What happened?

Summary, post upgrade, user group permissions were fine. Then once edited (slight edits), permissions that were not edited and still show checked are in fact not working correctly. My mind is boggled!

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Posted by (Questions: 104, Answers: 0)
Asked on January 2, 2015 9:23 pm
Answers (1)
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To anyone who has upgraded custom user groups in the past, this issue is a known one. Not sure of its origin, or how deep it has to be go back, but have seen this problem many times. From QC9.x and up, to ALM 11, 11.52 and even 12.x, this issue has come up for many users.

Evidently the upgrade/migration process has an affect on custom user groups. Typically the permissions come over fine post the upgrade. Its when one does a change to a permission in the group and saves that change that they tend to get the issue you are reporting. Checked and unchanged permissions will show that they are lacking now and there really is no fix for this.

Discussed a number of times with HP, and they have never given any real reason for the corruption. The workaround is to just recreate the user group as a new group and set your permissions. Then all will be fine and work as it should.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 116)
Answered on January 2, 2015 9:25 pm
Interesting. Did make a new group and populated the users. No issues from anyone. Thanks for the insight. Will need to monitor the other custom groups that went along for the migration.
( at January 4, 2015 2:12 am)

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