What are the database rights/roles required to use SQL-Server with a new or migrated ALM install?
Question ID: 110600

We are planning to upgrade our old ALM 12.6 and want to know about users and associated roles/rights for ALM to use SQL-Server?

We are still not sure if we want to use SQL-authentication or Windows Authentication.

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Posted by (Questions: 91, Answers: 5)
Asked on July 24, 2023 2:46 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

SQL-Server Rights/Roles used with QC/ALM when using SQL-authentication:
There are two SQL-Server users in SQL-Server used by QC/ALM.
• The database administrative user (can be “sa” or a “proxy” or service user you create for the purpose) – often called something like “td_db_admin”. This user is used when in Site Admin and trying to CREATE, DELETE or UPGRADE a project (and it’s DB).
• The “td” user – this user is used day-to-day within project DB’s when QC/QC users work in QC.

Make sure “td_db_admin” has these Server ROLES (do not assign other roles):
• dbcreator
• (public)
• Securityadmin
(these roles are REQUIRED when CREATING, DELETING, or UPGRADING projects in QC)
OPTIONAL when doing upgrades – you need:
• Sysadmin
(this role is REQUIRED only when UPGRADING projects in QC)

Make sure “td” does NOT have any Server ROLES (do not assign other roles):
• (public) is OK


If you decide to use Windows Authentication, the WINDOWS-USER associated with the ALM Service on the ALM server must have the same rights in SQL-Server as we indicated for the "td_db_admin" user (above).

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on July 24, 2023 3:25 pm

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