Why am I getting The Key was already present in the dictionary
Question ID: 106379

We are currently using QC Ent 12.21 and when I access certian tests or try to access the test runs I get the following popup…

The Key was already present in the dictionary
Parameter name: key

Once I click on test runs the client locks up and I close IE and remove the TD_80 folder to access QC again what is happening?

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on September 14, 2015 7:13 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

This is a know issue with ALM 12.21 and will be resolved in Patch 01 for 12.21.


The ''The key was already present in the dictionary. Parameter name: key '' error occurs due to duplicate names in the run iteration parameters.

You could purge all runs and that would keep you from getting the popup message. I can't say that it will not come back though.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on September 14, 2015 7:14 pm

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