Upgrade Questionnaire

This questionnaire is used to determine the level of effort and resources needed to migrate an existing Micro Focus ALM/QC or Performance Center instance to the new version.  Based on your responses, a statement of work will be developed that outlines the best migration strategy and its associated costs. 

Please use one of the links below to download the Word Document that contains the questionnaire appropriate to your upgrade/migration effort. Inside the document is a list of questions, as well as some other links to helpful scripts for obtaining your current project sizes. Please fill out the questionnaire as accurately and completely as possible, and use the scripts to gather the data about the project sizes. Please return the completed questionnaire as well as the supporting Excel file(s) to your Orasi Account manager. We hope to use this to offer you a speedy and accurate estimate for the migration effort.

Choose the questionnaire according to which product you need to upgrade

ALM to ALM or ALM Octane

Performance Center to LoadRunner Enterprise

Product Upgrade and Migration Engagement

To meet your IT department’s requirements, each Micro Focus release provides support for the latest OS and database versions available at the time.  In addition, releases of integrations with third-party tools improve with each release. This means you gain advantage in the areas of supported environments, add-ons and extensions, integrations, and fixed defects. That’s why keeping your investment current on the latest version is important. Orasi Professional Services can provide an experienced consultant to make your upgrade effort painless.

We look forward to working with you on your migration effort.
Orasi (QMS) Quality Management Services


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