”SPRINTER_EXTENSION’ extension is not installed in the server” error when accessing QC10 project
Question ID: 104600

We are getting this message in QC10:

Isn’t Sprinter a new tool for ALM/QC11? Why does our QC10 project all of a sudden complain about it?

Message we are getting:

Failed to Connect Project;
Failed to connect user ‘alex_qc’ to project ProjectX in domain DEFAULT;
‘SPRINTER_EXTENSION’ extension is not installed in the server. Please contact your Site Administrator.;

Stack Trace:

com.mercury.optane.core.CTdException: ‘SPRINTER_EXTENSION’ extension is not installed in the server. Please contact your Site Administrator.
at com.mercury.td.tdserver.api.logics.CQcExtensionsLogic.verifyProjectExtensionsInstalled(CQcExtensionsLogic.java:184)
at com.mercury.td.tdserver.api.logics.CConnectionLogic.connectProject(CConnectionLogic.java:215)
wrapped in com.mercury.optane.core.CTdException: Failed to connect user ‘alex_qc’ to project ProjectX in domain DOMAIN

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Posted by (Questions: 193, Answers: 14)
Asked on September 14, 2012 1:23 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Did someone recently attempt to upgrade this project to QC/ALM11?

Your right, QC11 has nothing to do with SPRINTER.

It looks like someone accidentally upgraded a QC10 project without changing the DBID.xml file to point correctly to the DB copy in the NEW DB Server.

BOTH QC10 and QC11 are pointing to the SAME DB in the SAME DB Server for the same project and that project is partially or fully converted to QC11!

The only solution in QC10 would be to get the GOOD copy of the QC10 project DB from just before the attempted upgrade and restore it back over the original QC10 project's one that is accidentally upgraded to 11.

I suppose if the one in QC/ALM11 is working fine, you could migrate he project DB to the NEW DB location and stop using it in QC10.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on September 14, 2012 1:35 pm
I can't believe we did that... d'oh! luckily we had a backup of the DB to revert to. Thanks.
( at September 17, 2012 5:33 pm)

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