Here are some things to keep in mind about SQL-Server Rights/Roles used with QC when using SQL-authentication
There are two SQL-Server users in SQL-Server used by QC.
* The database administrative user (can be ''sa'' or a ''proxy'' or service user you create for the purpose) - often called something like ''Td_db_admin''. This user is used when in Site Admin and trying to CREATE, DELETE or UPGRADE a project (and it's DB).
*** Sometimes, your DBA will assign ''roles'' to your DB-Admin user for the migration, then will revoke them later.
* The ''td'' user - this user is used day-to-day within project DB's when QC users work in QC.
Make sure ''Td_db_admin'' has these Server ROLES (do not assign other roles):
* dbcreator
* (public)
* Securityadmin
(these roles are REQUIRED when CREATING, DELETING, or UPGRADING projects in QC)
OPTIONAL when doing upgrades - you need:
* Sysadmin
(this role is REQUIRED only when UPGRADING projects in QC)
If you look at various projects in the User Mapping, you see ''dbo'' for the User and Default Schema columns.
Database Roles are set to (do not assign other roles):
* db_owner
* public
Make sure ''td'' does NOT have any Server ROLES (do not assign other roles):
* (public) is OK
If you look at various projects in the User Mapping, you see ''td'' for the User and Default Schema columns.
Database Roles are set to (do not assign other roles):
* ddladmin
* public