ALM 11.5 on Windows 7 without admin rights?
Question ID: 105585

We went through this with QC 10. When we went to Windows 7, users could not get to the QC login page unless they had admin rights to their machine. They previously could when using XP, it had a "power user" role that Windows 7 lacks. We eventually created a software package that has to be sent to users before they try to log in.

I asked about that issue here (see "QC 10 on windows 7 without admin rights"), and several users replied that this was not an issue with ALM 11 and up, that this problem would go away once we upgraded QC.

I now have ALM 11.52 on a test server, and it still asks for admin credentials for new users. HP is telling me that QC/ALM has always required admin rights.

Is anyone using ALM 11 WITHOUT having to give admin rights to new users signing in for the first time?

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 5)
Asked on September 12, 2014 12:25 pm
Answers (3)
Private answer

Hi Wilsonka,

Have you tried lowering the UAC to don't ask, and the first time launching the IE browser by right clicking the IE icon and selecting the ''Run as Admin'' option (just for the first initial client installation/ launch) as you should not need actual ''admin'' rights to install the client as long as the user has the capability to read/write to the user's directory folder during the installation of the client. Admin rights should only be required when running the client registration needed with add-ins such as QTP/UFT, EXCEL, Word, etc

You may need to check with your IT department to see that they are not blocking this capability through group policy.


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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on September 12, 2014 8:41 pm
Private answer

We cannot run IE as admin without using an admin ID from deskside support - that's what we are trying to avoid. A very few users have ''semi-mananged'' access, for those folks only running IE as admin works.

We are currently getting by in QC 10 by having our help desk send new users a software package with the files a new user would get from the QC server. It really slows things down compared with just adding new users on the admin page like we used to when using XP.

I thought that ALM 11 would correct this problem, but HP support says that user admin access has always been required, no change for ALM 11.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 5)
Answered on September 15, 2014 5:51 pm
Private answer

User admin rights should not be required with ALM 11, if all your user does is access ALM through an IE browser windows.

If your user/client system has had the ALM Client Registration run, that would require Admin rights to update. Same with installing add-ins for Excel or Word.

Does this affect systems where no version of QC/ALM has ever been accessed? If you haven't tried that scenario, you might want to. HP also has a ''cleaner'' tool (which would require admin rights) that could be run on a client system, and that is supposed to remove all traces of QC/ALM.

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 101)
Answered on September 15, 2014 8:21 pm
Have not tried with a user that has never had QC or ALM access before, I will find someone who has never used QC and try it. I have had success with existing QC 10 users logging in to my ALM 11.52 server for the first time - It immediately asks to enter admin credentials, but if the user just enters their (non-admin) NT user ID and password it eventually lets them get to the ALM log in page after clicking on a ''click here to launch the application'' link that ALM shows before the log in screen.
( at September 18, 2014 6:06 pm)
What internet zone is your ALM system in relative to the client? Is the ALM URL in the Local or Trusted zone? Are you going through a proxy server? At what point exactly do you get prompted for credentials? There is this note in the ALM 11.52 Installation Guide under Starting ALM on Client. This comes after the user has clicked the ALM link, when the next thing that should display is the Login page. Windows 7/2008/2008R2: If you do not have administrator privileges on your machine, and a Security Warning displays, click Don't Install. You will be redirected to the Install screen.
( at September 18, 2014 10:49 pm)

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