Advise on functionalities to be tested for ALM 12.21 patch 6 to patch 7 Upgrade
Question ID: 108871


For resolving a specific ALM Defect (QCCR1J98528/ KM03168263), We are planning to implement ALM 12.21 Patch 7 ( P7 patch code is: TD4QC_00652) on top of existing ALM 12.21 Patch 6.

Post installation of ALM 12.21 Patch 7, it is expected that above mentioned defect will be fixed and verification test will be performed to confirm the same.

In addition to the above mentioned verification test, is it really required to perform entire re-validation of all the existing ALM functionalities which were previously working fine with ALM 12.21 Patch 6?

Please suggest any specific requirements to which we should confine our testing for this new patch 7 implementation.

Please provide your valuable inputs on below questions:

Is there any possibility that existing functionalities which were working in ALM 12.21 Patch 6 may not work after implementation of ALM 12.21 Patch 7? If so, What are those cases & reasons for the functionality failure?

Is there any Workflow OTA API change from ALM 12.21 Patch 7 when Compared to ALM 12.21 Patch 6? If yes, how to find out what those object changes are and functionalities that may relate to those objects?

Are there any new functionalities introduced as part of ALM 12.21 Patch 7 when compared to ALM 12.21 Patch 6?

Are there any existing functionalities which got decommissioned as part of ALM 12.21 Patch 7 when compared to ALM 12.21 Patch 6?

Regards, Srihari

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Posted by (Questions: 33, Answers: 21)
Asked on January 31, 2019 5:20 pm

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