ALM Access Client Types – Clarification needed
Question ID: 108151

Please clarify the below differences of Client Types that are accessing the ALM and utilizing the licenses.

– ALM Server Internal
– Application Lifecycle Management Client UI
– Excel Addin
– HP ALM Excel Add-in REST Client
– HP Unified Functional Testing
– HPE Unified Functional Testing
– OTAClient
– Quality Center Client UI
– Quality Center Client UI – VAPI-XP
– REST client
– REST client (Public key)
– Sprinter

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Asked on February 1, 2018 12:52 am
Answers (1)
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**ALM Server Internal**

''The _system_user_ is an internal user used by ALM to perform internal operations. It was introduced in ALM11 (did not exist in QC10 or earlier versions).
Any operations on ALM entities are monitored by the permissions granted to the user performing them and thus an internal user is needed. For example, QPM Calculation engine needs to access to different projects and entities.

Here are some characteristics for this user:

It does not have a password and it is internal thus preventing login using this user.

It does not consume a license. This is a user created for internal server jobs proposes.

This user is created upon installation/upgrade process

It enables automatically on project creation, as part of the TDAmin group. This indicates that the user's permissions are equal to regular admin user''

**Application Lifecycle Management Client UI**

ALM UI to work as end user

**Excel Addin**

The HPE ALM Microsoft Excel Add-in enables you to export your test plan, requirements, or defects in Microsoft Excel directly to HPE ALM. You can view the exported test plan in the test plan tree, the exported requirements in the requirements tree, and the exported defects in the defects grid.

**HP ALM Excel Add-in REST Client**

Code the Addin uses to connect and work with ALM

**HP Unified Functional Testing**

The HP Application Automation Tools provides a mechanism for executing UFT tests as part of a build script.

**HPE Unified Functional Testing**

The HP Application Automation Tools provides a mechanism for executing UFT tests as part of a build script.


You can use the ALM open test architecture to integrate your own configuration management, defect tracking, and home-grown testing tools with an ALM project.

**Quality Center Client UI**

QC name was the name it has for version 11.00 backwards, and ALM is the new name from version 11.52 forwards. Difference is only the name

**Quality Center Client UI - VAPI-XP**

''The VAPI-XP testing tool enables you to create new testing scripts using Microsoft VBScript, Microsoft JavaScript (JScript version), PerlScript, and PythonScript, and integrate these scripts into your application management process. Using VAPI-XP test scripts, you can test COM/DCOM servers, SOAP-based Web services, Java APIs (such as Java classes and EJBs), and console applications. You can also use VAPI-XP to create a LoadRunner virtual user.

In addition, VAPI-XP is fully integrated with HPE Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), enabling you to design your VAPI-XP test script to call any ALM test or test set, and execute it as part of your own script. This allows you to build a more advanced test set execution flow, in which you can filter tests in a test set during execution, based on the status or type of each test.

VAPI-XP is also fully integrated with the ALM Open Test Architecture API. All open test architecture API classes and methods can be referenced from the VAPI-XP user interface so that you can easily include them in your test script.

Note: The VAPI-XP testing tool is installed on a testing host by performing HPE ALM Client Registration. Instructions for performing client registration can be found in the HPE Application Lifecycle Management Installation and Upgrade Guide.''

**REST client**

Kind of code you can use to access and work with ALM defects.

**REST client (Public key)**

Using the REST API, you can create a client application to create, read, update, and delete entities on the ALM (HP Application Lifecycle Management) platform, basically it is the same functionality than REST Client, however we can see public key specifications when tokens are used in communication, generally we can see that when our customers are using Visual Studio, eclipse, NetBeans.


''You run tests manually from HPE Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) using HPE Sprinter. Sprinter provides advanced functionality and tools to assist you in the manual testin

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on February 1, 2018 12:56 am

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