ALM Muted Server
Question ID: 106455

Please explain what this means.

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Posted by (Questions: 70, Answers: 111)
Asked on October 21, 2015 9:49 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

ALM Server Status ''Muted''

This issue is manifested by an ambiguous message when attempting to access. The message is similar to the following text.
Server on SERVERNAME has encountered an unstable state, please contact your site administrator.
Status=MUTED, label=QC server is muted due to unrecoverable error

What does this mean? This message is displayed when the ALM server is unable communicate with one of the necessary components required to run. These elements include the ALM service login accounts, database and repository paths.

What causes the Muted state to occur?
Some examples that would cause this status condition include the following list.

1) The ALM Service login account name or password no longer valid.
2) Active Directory account changes.
3) Active Directory configuration changes.
4) Database down
5) Database configuration changes
6) Database Server changes
7) Network interruptions preventing access to resources.
8) Repository location changes external to ALM configuration parameters.
9) Storage Area Network (SAN) changes or network availability.
10) ALM Site Configuration changes. Changes to the BASE_REPOSITORY_PATH parameter
where syntax, spelling or incorrect have been entered. (UNC, Physical and Mapped drive)

As you can see most of these issues are caused by factors external to ALM. The key is communication with the System Administrators and Database Administrators within your organization. If you don't have a representative on the change control committee, volunteer and gain some valuable insight on factors may impact your ALM server instance.

For additional information see:

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 613)
Answered on October 21, 2015 9:51 pm
Thank you.
( at October 29, 2015 9:57 pm)

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