An unexpected error occured in UFT.
Question ID: 107455

An error has occurred in UFT when attempt to run action batch. It point to wrong location in ALM. There is no problem when run the same action from ALM.
The following exception has occurred: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException.
See below more details:

Exception of type: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException. Source: HP.QTP.Integrations.QC.QCConnectionsManager. Occured in Void ThrowComExceptionForGeneralError(System.Exception) method
Exception message is:

HP.QTP.Integrations.QC.OTAWrapperExtension.Exceptions.ActionFailedException: Failed to locate TSTest, testSetPath = Unattached\\Members, testId = 1934
—> HP.QTP.Integrations.QC.OTAWrapperExtension.EntityNotFoundException: Failed to locate TestSet by path. Entity not found for path = Unattached\\Members
—> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Node not found. < at Mercury.TD.Client.Ota.QC9.ITestSetTreeManager.get_NodeByPath(String Path) at HP.QTP.Integrations.QC.OTAWrapperExtension.TestSetTools.GetTestSetId(String testSetData, Int32& tscId, ITestSet2& testSetItself) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at HP.QTP.Integrations.QC.OTAWrapperExtension.TestSetTools.GetTestSetId(String testSetData, Int32& tscId, ITestSet2& testSetItself) at HP.QTP.Integrations.QC.OTAWrapperExtension.TestSetTools.GetTestInstanceList(String testSetData, Int32 testId) at HP.QTP.Integrations.QC.OTAWrapperExtension.TestSetTools.GetListOfTestInstancesInTestSet(String testSetData, Int32 testId) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at HP.QTP.Integrations.QC.OTAWrapperExtension.TestSetTools.GetListOfTestInstancesInTestSet(String testSetData, Int32 testId) at HP.QTP.Integrations.QC.QCConnectionsManager.TDExtended.TDExtendedImpl.GetInstOfTestInCycle(String cycleData, Int32 testKey, String& instanceList) Exception trace is: at HP.QTP.Integrations.QC.QCConnectionsManager.TDExtended.ErrorHandler.ThrowComExceptionForGeneralError(Exception ex) at HP.QTP.Integrations.

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Posted by (Questions: 63, Answers: 1)
Asked on February 14, 2017 7:20 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Check to see if there is a test in the ALM ''**unattach**'' folder which had the same name as the test that was trying to run. This was causing conflict and when the test was renamed in the unattached folder the other test would run.

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Posted by (Questions: 2, Answers: 98)
Answered on February 14, 2017 7:21 pm

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