API Test End Activity failed to forward test output parameters
Question ID: 108300

We’re using the XmlToString activity. We have an output parameter in the Start node. We have the output parameter linked to the XmlToString Result Parameter. After running the test, the report results is blank and we get the following error:
System.Xml.XmlException: Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. Line 1, position 28

Any ideas how to fix this?

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Posted by (Questions: 387, Answers: 66)
Asked on April 27, 2018 6:21 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

We've seen this issue before. Micro Focus has published [a resolution][1] for it (see below). Also, you may not experience this issue in newer versions of UFT.

1. Install Unified Functional Testing 11.53 Patch 5 or later
2. Open binHP.ST.Fwk.InternalExecuter.exe.config
3. Include below structure below within AppSettings tag/node:

4. Save file. Note: No need to restart UFT


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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 807)
Answered on April 27, 2018 6:22 pm
That worked for us.
( at April 27, 2018 6:24 pm)

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