Are Apple products compatible to use with HP Products?
Question ID: 104719


We have several consultants that would like to utilize their Apple products (MacBooks, MacBook Pros, and Mac Pros) with HP products such as ALM, QTP, and Sprinter. The documentation state that only Windows operating systems are supported. Is there a work around or expected support upcoming for using Apple products with these and other HP products?

Thanks in advance,

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Posted by (Questions: 379, Answers: 35)
Asked on November 27, 2012 11:24 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hi HomerJ,
HP currently only has support and compatibility with Windows operating systems and requires Internet Explorer (or the HP ALM/ QC explorer) to utilize QC/ ALM. As far as is known (and HP doesn't release their future plans) they are only going to continue to solely support Windows operating system environments.

Not all is lost, though as there are options available to your users if they wish to use their Apple systems. ALl of which would require the use of virtualization.

These options all require Intel based processing systems (which covers everything produced sine early 2008 by Apple) and all but the last (which still has compatibility issues) will require a valid copy of a Windows OS.

Your users can install a Windows environment using the Apple built in system of Boot Camp (an apple supplied option that allows the installation of native Windows installation, and the availability to select the Windows partition upon start up, using the Option selection at boot time. See your Apple documentation to use this option). This requires booting into a native Windows environment.

The users can also create a windows environment on their drives using a third party virtualization software that runs within the Apple OS environment (no need to reboot into a Windows environment). Several of these softwares are available to accomplish this (some of the popular version of this virtualization software is VMWare Fusion, Parallels, and Virtual Box). This option allows the software to run both versions of operating systems at the same time.

The last option that I am aware of would require a software package such as CrossOver or WIne. These software packages are designed to run Windows applications natively under an Apple OS environment. This option is the least desirable of all the options. It doesn't require a windows operating system to be installed, but has very limited compatibility, and I am not even sure that it would run HP products due to the limited compatibility and constant changing environment of the HP upgrades.

The first two options are the best options available to your users.

I hope this helps answer your questions,

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on November 27, 2012 11:46 am
Thanks that answer is quite thorough and answers my questions. Thanks, HomerJ
( at November 27, 2012 11:54 am)
I thought of one other option available to Apple product users. It would be to remote into a Windows system set up within your organization. They could then access everything as if they were directly on the system and perform their duties that way. Hope this helps.
( at November 28, 2012 11:50 am)
With the introduction of ALM 12, limited native usage with an agnostic web client is now available (supporting FireFox, Safari, and Chrome browsers, not all are fully compatible at this same level as oft his time 3/20/2014) to include defect and requirement usage at this time, but more modules and interaction in the future are expected.
( at March 27, 2014 1:15 pm)
UFT 12 has a connection agent on a Mac computer. Check out HP Document KM00819830. Document ID: KM00819830 Title: How to install the UFT connection agent on a Mac computer?
( at March 28, 2014 1:17 pm)

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