Back in QC11.52, we used ”Document Generator” and saved some of them to our ”favorites” list. Can this be done in 11.52 or 12.53?
Question ID: 107895

We are in the process of testing out our upgrade to 12.53.
We upgraded to 11.52 first and are playing with a few upgraded projects.

Back in QC11.00, we used "Document Generator" and saved some of them to our "favorites" list
In 11.52, we can still do Document Generation, but cannot save any of these document generator (templates) to our Favorites.
Now, when we click on the "it tells us that feature has been "deprecated" and to instead use Project Reports

On our final 12.53 server, we don’t see Document Generator at all in the Tools menu.

Can I re-enable this behavior in 11.52 or 12.53?

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Posted by (Questions: 91, Answers: 5)
Asked on October 17, 2017 4:16 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Yes, there are TWO site parameters (added by your Site Administrator) that can enable this behavior:

Add parameter to list and set to ''Y''

Description: Enables/Disables the 'Document Generator' menu item in Tools.

Default value: N, Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Add parameter to list and set to ''Y''

Description: This parameter defines whether new project documents can be added to your favorites list. The available options are: Y: Project documents can be added to the favorites list. N: Project documents cannot be added to the favorites list. By default, the parameter is set to N.

Default value: N, Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on October 17, 2017 4:23 pm

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