Based on the case description, for LoadRunner 11.52, you can use LoadRunner to directly monitor your database instances to capture SQL resource information; such as, SQL wait time.
The process to capture SQL counters / measurements in LoadRunner 11.52 is the following: Please see the uploaded document with screen shots for reference named ''How to Capture SQL Metrics''.
1. In the LoadRunner Controller, Under ''Available Graphs'' Select SQL Server under ''Database Server Resource Graphs''
2. Left Click on ''SQL Server'' and Drag to an visible graph in the LoadRunner Controller
3. Right Click on this graph and choose ''Add Measurements''
4. The SQL Server Dialog will appear, Add the SQL Server Machine(s) to be monitored by clicking ''Add'' under ''Monitored Server Machines'' and enter the appropriate SQL Server machine and click ''Ok''
5. Then on the ''SQL Server'' dialog select ''Add'' under the ''Resource Measurements on ...'' section and the ''MS SQL Server'' dialog will appear
6. On the ''MS SQL Server'' dialog select a ''Object'' and choose the appropriate ''Counters'' and then select the ''Add'' button to add the counters. (You can select multiple counters)
After completing the above steps, you will be able to monitor and capture the desired resource measurements.
Hope this helps.