Can we use ALM modify utility tool to modify dbid.xml files at once for 1000+ projects? Are there any issues if any one has conquered? Can we use ALM robot to upgrade 150 active projects at once if down time is very less??
Question ID: 108780
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Asked on December 19, 2018 9:20 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hi Ankita,
I am unsure of the answer regarding the modify tool you are referring to, however I can tell you that we do not generally recommend nor use the robot tool for upgrade/migration of projects as we have found in the past the majority of the set up to utilize the robot is the same manual procedure and involvement that manually performing the migration/upgrade uses. The tool just performs the actions unattended and we were never satisfied with the amount of data returned during the procedure to insure the administrator that the upgrade was progressing adequately and at what stage it was in the completion of the requested actions. We also found that the failure of projects sometimes resulted in the stoppage of the entire process so hours later (say being run overnight or over a weekend an d while unattended) the actual progress sometimes was hard to tell and in older versions the ability to resume operations was cumbersome and sometimes impossible resulting in resetting up the remaining non-failed migrations to start again. We weren't confident enough in the robots operation to be time saving such that we haven't adopted it. The robot hasn't been redesigned either through development so we dont recommend it and instead use batched upgrade manual methods, as the robot doesn't speed operations as all of the time consuming actions (moving and backup/restoration of the projects repositories and schemas) must still be performed by the administrator as if the projects wee being manually migrated so the time saving possible by the robot is very little if any at all.

Hope this adds insight to your question,

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Answered on January 24, 2019 2:48 pm

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