Can you copy server configuration details to a different server to speed up config Wizard?
Question ID: 105777

We noticed that when re-running the QC server Configuration Wizard, it "finds" the previously entered information (i.e. logins, passwords, DB server details, etc.).
I was hoping to copy that data/file over to use for setting up the actual production site.

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Posted by (Questions: 193, Answers: 14)
Asked on January 7, 2015 3:19 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The Wizard re-populates itself from the file stored on the QC server usually under C:ProgramDataHPALMconf (Windows) or /var/opt/HP/ALM/conf
(Linux/Solaris) directories.

The QC/ALM 11.52 and later Install guides have a section about ''recovering a lost confidential security and data passphrase''. These directions are for using that config file to carry forward ONLY the passphrases (but not to find out what they are).

It is not ''officially'' recommended, but theoretically, you could try to use this process to carry the whole properties file to a new server and get it to re-populate for you.

BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL DOING THIS as it will be pointing to the wrong DB server and possibly other settings will be wrong -- IT IS ALWAYS BEST TO RUN THE WIZARD MANUALLY AND CAREFULLY ENTER THE CONFIG-WIZARD DATA.

The BEST PRACTICE instead, is to take screenshots as you run through thw Wizard and paste to Word along with text annotations when passwords are obscured. Then MANUALLY go through Config Wizard on the NEW server and enter the data by hand (pointing to the CORRECT servers, directories, and indicating the correct users, passwords and passphrases).

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on January 7, 2015 3:41 pm

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