change LOG folder for HP-synchronizer?
Question ID: 107576

we have installed HP synchronizer on the C drive (default location) on the server and it includes the "log" directory.
Due to synchronization log files being saved for each run, it is creating a disk space issue on the c drive (running out of space).
Our server administration team suggested changing the log directory from "C" to "D" drive.

Can this be done easily?

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Posted by (Questions: 91, Answers: 5)
Asked on April 20, 2017 2:41 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Sorry, there is no way to change the ''log'' folder once you have already installed HP-synchronizer Server.


It IS possible, although tricky and prone to error if you UNINSTALL your current HP-Synchronizer and either re-install it or upgrade to the latest version (12.53 SP1).
This involves making a full Postgres DB backup, uninstalling EVERYTHING related to HP-Sync and then re-installing the SAME version of HP-sync with a blank Postgres DB and then restoring it from the backup -- THIS IS EXTREMELY PRONE TO ERROR!
You could also backup each link with sync-data (to a ZIP), then restore them individually into the blank Sync-server.


If you have an older version than 12.53/SP1, the sync-data upgrade is fairly easy and happens automatically, AND you can dictate the ''D'' drive for the HP-Sync Server install drive instead of ''C'' (keep the rest of the path the same).

If on the other hand, you already have 12.53/SP1, it is much more difficult to uninstall/re-install the SAME version and get the data to come in, since there is no way to easily install while using the same back-end Sync-data database. (but there is a way, though - but very tricky).

**Disk Space Method (VM):**

Why not just increase the drive size for Drive C:? On a VM it is very easy.

**Scheduled Job Method:**

Another thing people do is to have a scheduled job/batch that purges or moves the logs on a regular interval out of the C:... log folder to somewhere else.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on April 20, 2017 2:52 pm
Looks like a pain to change it. We will be doing the Scheduled job method, thanks.
( at April 20, 2017 4:07 pm)
I Guess we should have payed attention during install to the install DRIVE.
( at April 20, 2017 4:08 pm)

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