Citrix Protocol Questions
Question ID: 108813

1. Are we able to create multiple patient orders with Citrix protocol ? as it is using bitmap.

2. Is there any way to check end to end workflow connectivity of the application which has login?

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Posted by (Questions: 159, Answers: 15)
Asked on January 24, 2019 2:38 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Please note that I am not familiar with your Citrix application or testing goals.

1. It should be possible to create multiple patient orders. When using Bitmaps, sync on a non-dynamic object. However, each Vuser has to have a unique login. You should parameterize each Vusers login information.

Citrix functions - additional information
? ctrx_mouse_click()

If there is a window name listed for the last argument then the x/y coordinates (first and second arguments) are relative to this window.

? ctrx_sync_on_bitmap()

The encrypted code depends on the position/size/resolution/colors and the contents of the bitmap. The value is supposed to be constant as long as you do not change any of the mentioned factors.

? ctrx_set_window()

Sometimes, LoadRunner will record ctrx_set_window() (e.g. ctrx_set_window(''0_37_348_265''); ) for opening of menu list, e.g. File -> Exit where the menu list box is interpreted as a window. This happens because LoadRunner always make sure that the menu is already open and ready before selecting an item. The name in this case depends on the menu position.

2. After recording the script, you can enhance the script with Synchronization, Error Trapping, and Custom coding.

I recommend the following link below which covers the following topics:

* Citrix Recording Tips
* Citrix Synchronization
* Citrix Replay Tips
* Citrix Debugging Tips
* Citrix - Troubleshooting and Limitations

I hope this helps.

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 266)
Answered on January 24, 2019 2:39 pm

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